In many parts of India, the birth of a girl child is not welcomed. Right from her arrival, she faces discrimination, humiliation, and oppression at every stage of life. When it comes to healthcare, education and growth opportunities, she is neglected because of her gender. Some manage to survive and foster new paths to follow. Most, however, surrender hopelessly to the sad fate assigned to them.
The issue of girl child rights and protection in India is a very serious concern. Being home to more than one third of the 10 million child brides in the world, India has one of the highest numbers of girls forced into marriage before the legal age of 18.

The unique feature of Goonj Sewa Samiti is Child Sponsorship programmed.
For many children in need, poverty and hopelessness is a constant presence in their lives. Their lives do not hold much promise for a bright future. Caught in a cycle of poverty and exploitation, these children are lost to education and other forms of development.
All they need is someone to believe in their dreams and give them a chance for a better future.
Through Goonj Sewa Samiti Child Sponsorship programmed, you can be the ray of hope in a child’s life. For Rs 500-800 every month, you can sponsor a child. Your sponsorship will provide a child with access to education, proper health care and clean drinking water. The child’s family and community will also benefit through development initiatives and livelihood assistance.

People living in poverty are exceptionally vulnerable to crime, abuse and exploitation. If they do not have the ability to take real and effective recourse against these actions, then impunity and inequality is perpetuated, and their vulnerability is exacerbated.Effective and accessible justice systems can be tools to develop progressive jurisprudence on economic and social rights – mandating provision of affordable housing, or by remedying their exploitation by powerful public or private actors.
Access to justice is also an important lever for gender equality. Women are more likely to be poor, both worldwide , but women also face extra burdens or obstacles in accessing justice mechanisms. Obstructed access to justice thus feeds the cycle of gendered poverty and violence, and perpetuates impunity for gender-based crimes. Goonj Sewa Samiti have experience lawyer where the issue of injustice can bring on the table regardless of any cases especially in rural and woman issue.

The legal age for marriage in India is 18 years for girls and 21 years for boys. The flouting of this law is obviously punishable. But that does not stop child marriage from being rampant across the country even in this day and age. It is often a manifestation of gender inequality , reflecting social norms that perpetuate discrimination against girls. There is an entire range of socio-economic and cultural perspectives around child marriage that prevails across castes and class and fortifies its existence in society.
Child marriage denies children their basic rights to good health, nutrition, education, and freedom from violence, abuse and exploitation. All children have a right to care and protection; to develop and grow to his/her full potential, regardless of their social and economic situation. Child marriage is a blatant violation of all these rights.

Goonj Sewa Samiti mobilizes elders through the formation of Elder-Self-Help-Groups (ESHGs) that are centered on sustainable methods of income generation. These ESHGs are then federated into higher level community institutions so that they gain additional robustness. This model of HelpAge India has been adopted by the Ministry of Rural Development. HelpAge supports 5543 groups with 67,014 Elderly across India, helping elders regain their dignity.
Women Empowerment

That, women safety is a growing concern across India is well known. The immediate reaction, especially among young urban women is to enroll in some self-defense classes. Is this solution really the full answer or is it just the skimming the surface?
Goonj Sewa Samiti recognizes that women safety is a deep rooted problem that requires a comprehensive solution and plan. This means that first off, women must consider safety a way of life and take it into consideration in all walks of life – at home, in public, in work places, elevators, restrooms, travelling and even shopping!!!
Cleanliness - Hygiene - Sanitation

The need of the time is “awareness” both about hygiene and about available services Lack of safe drinking water, poor sanitation and hygiene practices are major causes of disease. The urban poor also under utilize the sanitation facilities. Improved perspective and attitude to health & Hygiene will lead to improved immunity in families which will help establish healthier and disease free communities Awareness of Seasonal Diseases and Communicable Disease and Practical Mitigation will aid in Disease Prevention So IEC Programs are designed to reach out to Women & school children.
Health Care

Giving better medical service to the children is one of our major concerns. It is our primary responsibility to look after the children until they are reintegrated with their families. We facilitate proper treatment for sick children and also conduct medical camps from time to time.
Child Labor Eradication

Child labor is a serious and extensive problem, with many children under the age of fourteen working in hazardous situation. Child labor has been identified as harmful and hazardous to the child’s development needs, both mental and physical. Goonj Sewa Samiti through its Child Labor project aims at the termination of child labor gradually and to ensure the change in mindset of these innocent kids to get in to normal and dignified life.